Lab Instructions Chemical Changes: Copper and Calcium Carbonate

Chemical Changes in Copper and Calcium Carbonate Observation Lab


Place a sample of copper in four different test tubes with 10 ml of following solutions: NH3, CH3COOH, NaClO, and H2O. Label each test tube with the class numbers of the group members and the chemical formula of the solution on scotch tape.

We will utilize the fume hood for transferring the NH3.

Hypothesize about the effect of each chemical on the copper over time.

Record dated observations about each sample daily on a google sheet (link sheet).


Acetic Acid and Calcium Carbonate

Submerge a sample of Calcium Carbonate in 10 ml of Acetic Acid (in a test tube).

Hypothesize about the effect of the acid on the calcium carbonate over time.

Record dated observations about each sample daily on a google sheet (link sheet).






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