Plate Boundaries Quiz

Plate Boundaries Quiz

  1.  Identify the type of plate interaction that occurs at the Mid-Ocean Ridges.
  2. Identify the type of plate interaction that occurs when plates slide against one another.
  3. Identify the type of plate interaction that occurs when plates come together.
  4. Which type of plate interaction typically causes the earthquakes like those common near the San Andreas fault in California?
  5. Which type of plate interaction typically causes mountain building?
  6. Which type of plate interaction typically results in the formation of new oceanic crust?
  7. Which specific type of convergent interaction typically results in the formation of arc islands and trenches?
  8. Which specific type of convergent interaction typically results in the formation of volcanic mountain ranges and trenches?
  9. Which specific type of convergent interaction typically results in the formation of fold mountains, including the Himalayas (Earth’s highest)?
  10. Name the process that occurs at a convergent interaction in which one of the plates is forced down below the other plate.

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