Monthly Archives for September 2015

Major Subatomic Particles Quiz

1. Identify the major sub-atomic particle with a positive charge.   2. Identify the major sub-atomic particle with a negative charge.   3. Identify the major sub-atomic particle with a neutral charge.   4. Identify the location of the Proton.   5. Identify the location of the Neutron.    

A Brief History of Atomic Theory Research Assignment

Research the history of Atomic Theory. You should write to the questions of who, what, where, when, and how. Present your findings as either bullet notes or an essay. Your research should include the following names or groups: Ancient Greeks, Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr.    

Scientific Method Quiz

Scientific Method Quiz 1. Which comes first in the process of the Scientific Method: Identifying the problem (posing the question) or forming a hypothesis? 2. What is used to test a hypothesis? 3. Which term is defined by “an educated guess; a tentative assumption made in order to draw to and test its logical or […]